Hello, I'm a Nik.

Nik Jan Špruk

Computer Science Student

Profile Picture

Work & Education

Nik is a Computer and Information Science student, studying at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science. He also has a part-time job as a software developer at iSYSTEM, working with C#, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, .NET, Ajax and PostgreSQL.


2001Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2020Started undergraduate education of Computer and Information Science at University of Ljubljana.
2021Got a position as a Software Developer Intern at iSYSTEM.
2021Went to South Korea for 1 semester to study CS in a new environment.
2022Got a position as a Software Developer Intern at iSYSTEM.


In my free time I love to swim, go to the gym, listen to music, learn different languages. Recently got into indoor climbing.

Learning new stuff is my passion.
